Primavara in Bucuresti

Mai este doar o saptamana de primavara si a venit momentul sa fac o retrospectiva a celor mai frumoase momente ale acestui anotimp. M-am bucurat de vremea frumoasa descoperind atat locuri noi in Bucuresti, precum Casa Memoriala Tudor Arghezi, dar si trecand pragul unor locuri dragi cu copaci infloriti, casute vechi si multe pisici – […]

Haina il face pe om?

In singurul weekend petrecut in Bucuresti vara asta am incercat sa profit din plin de evenimentele culturale ce au avut loc pe aici, asa ca am participat la un tur ghidat A.R.C.E.N., am vazut o piesa de teatru din cadrul Festivalului Caragiale, insa am bifat si o vizita la muzeu. Expozitia temporara “Haina il face […]

A little bit of fashion history

 Vizitand muzeul Victoria & Albert in Londra, am fost placut surprinsa de galeriile de moda europeana unde am vazut modele, materiale si accesorii din 1750 pana in present. Va prezint astazi jumatatea mai recenta (din 1920 pana in present), urmand sa revin cu inca o intoarcere in trecut intr-un articol separat pentru a va arata […]

Fashion and Textile Museum

 Daca data trecuta am vizitat in Londra cam ce a vrut pinguinul singuratic (Westminster Abbey de exemplu, care este impresionanta prin importanta sa, faptul ca toti regii au fost incoronati aici si mare parte din ei inmormantati tot aici), de data asta mi-am facut de cap si m-am dus in locurile unde am simtit eu […]

The last day in Vienna

Unfortunately, the last day in Vienna came, and we had to pack and check out at 11 am. But this didn’t mean for us the end of fun. Our first goal was to find some secure boxes to store our luggage until the evening when we had our flight back to Bucharest. This was an […]

Forth Day in Vienna

This was a good day for science for me and my companions as we spent this day mostly in the Technical Museum. I liked the Neo-Baroque and Art Nouveau styles building  and while getting closer I was wondering what can be stored in a four flours that big building. I was about to find out […]

Second day in Vienna

The second day in Vienna was more active. In the morning, I visited the Belvedere Palace – the regal family summer residence. I was impressed by van Gogh, Renoir, Monet, Manet paintings, I wish I had more time to admire it. This remembered me of Rodica’s  Ojog Brasoveanu book – ‘Cianura pentru un suras‘ which I enjoyed […]

First day in Vienna

After coming back from my honeymoon, the first thing that I wanted to do was to plan the next vacation. I realized that having an upcoming vacation planned makes me happier, motivates me better. That’s why in early October I booked the plane tickets to Vienna for mid December. I considered is the best destination […]