Happiness Quotes

Today I finished reading a book with 365 quotes about happiness, one for every day of the year. The book is available here. I highlighted the quotes I liked most and i want to share it with you. Six months ago I wrote a post about happiness, it’s a subject that I’m always interested to […]

Invitatie la miscare

Primavara a venit oficial, in curand vremea buna ne va da definitiv afara din casa si nu vom mai avea nici o scuza pentru hibernat si lenevit. Trebuie sa marturisesc ca nu am reusit sa fac prea mari progrese in realizarea unui obiectiv important: mai mult sport in 2013. Ideea mea era sa fac din miscare […]

A brand called YOU

In urma cu ceva timp am primit un mail de la cumnata mea in care ma ruga pe mine si alti prieteni sa-i raspund la intrebarea “cine sunt?”. Desi parea simplu, cand a trebuit sa raspund mi-a fost destul de greu sa formulez. Ea ma cunostea doar, vroia doar sa vada ce consider eu definitoriu pentru mine…iar […]

A post about happiness

I recently read a quote that I liked: “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts” (Marcus Aurelius). It seems that we have more that 60.000 thoughts every day, but I realized that it’s so important to keep a positive and optimistic attitude.

Prince2 Practitioner

In the last week of November I attended a Prince2 course and took the Foundation and Practitioner exams. I was very satisfied of the Foundation exam results, having 65 correct answers out of 75. I just received the results for the Practitioner exam, I am officially a certified Project Manager. Me, happy!!!