Today I finished reading a book with 365 quotes about happiness, one for every day of the year. The book is available here. I highlighted the quotes I liked most and i want to share it with you. Six months ago I wrote a post about happiness, it’s a subject that I’m always interested to […]
Category: Personal
Invitatie la miscare
Primavara a venit oficial, in curand vremea buna ne va da definitiv afara din casa si nu vom mai avea nici o scuza pentru hibernat si lenevit. Trebuie sa marturisesc ca nu am reusit sa fac prea mari progrese in realizarea unui obiectiv important: mai mult sport in 2013. Ideea mea era sa fac din miscare […]
A brand called YOU
In urma cu ceva timp am primit un mail de la cumnata mea in care ma ruga pe mine si alti prieteni sa-i raspund la intrebarea “cine sunt?”. Desi parea simplu, cand a trebuit sa raspund mi-a fost destul de greu sa formulez. Ea ma cunostea doar, vroia doar sa vada ce consider eu definitoriu pentru mine…iar […]
A post about happiness
I recently read a quote that I liked: “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts” (Marcus Aurelius). It seems that we have more that 60.000 thoughts every day, but I realized that it’s so important to keep a positive and optimistic attitude.
Recomandare fotografie nunta
Una dintre cele mai importante decizii in organizarea unei nunti este din punctul meu de vedere alegerea fotografului. Daca multe din aspectele ce tin de nunta sunt trecatoare, amintirile si implicit fotografiile sunt cele care raman in timp.
Mai mult sport in 2013
Anul asta vreau sa fac sport mai mult ca oricand. Mi-am propus sa fac cel putin 2 ore/saptamana de miscare, si sa nu ratez nici o ocazie sportiva.
The nicest b-day card I received
There isn’t anything that can give more personality to a present than a card that comes with it. I like to write a card for every present that I give. These remain and in time will be nice memories.
Prince2 Practitioner
In the last week of November I attended a Prince2 course and took the Foundation and Practitioner exams. I was very satisfied of the Foundation exam results, having 65 correct answers out of 75. I just received the results for the Practitioner exam, I am officially a certified Project Manager. Me, happy!!!