Vineri seara am ajuns pe Matasari pentru a vedea prezentarea de moda tinuta de Wilhelmina Arz in cadrul festivalului urban Femei pe Matasari. Am ales sa particip la acest eveniment pentru a vedea evolutia designerului. In 2004, cand doar ce aterizasem in Bucuresti iar matusa mea facea parte din echipa de croitorese a Wilhelminei, eram invitata la toate prezentarile ei si participam cu placere. Imi aduc aminte o prezentare tinuta in club Office si una in sala Atelier a TNB. Astfel de evenimente au fost primul meu contact cu aceasta lume glamour a modei, care la acel moment mi se parea coplesitoare. Revenind in prezent, am regasit-o pe Wilhelmina asa cum o stiam, total neschimbata. Am urmarit cu atentie prezentarea ei tinuta pe muzica live a Les Elephants Bizzarres. Am surprins in fotografiile de mai jos cateva momente pentru a le impartasi cu voi.
Ce mi-a placut:
-muzica live care a dat un plus de autenticitate evenimentului
-faptul ca modelele au dansat pe scena in loc sa defileze anost
Ce nu mi-a placut:
-analizand vestimentatia modelelor am ajuns la concluzia trista ca nu a existat prea multa creatie: fetele au purtat toate colanti negri, sandale rosii cu toc, haina de piele sau cardigan, mult prea putine piese in care Wilhelmina sa creeze efectiv ceva. Sunt de parere ca intr-o prezentare de moda, tocmai creatiile sunt cele care trebuie sa iasa in evidenta, iar aici acest lucru a lipsit. Intr-adevar a fost un spectacol dragut, insa asta poate organiza oricine fara a fi “creator de moda”.
Friday evening I went to Matasari street to attend the fashion show held by Wilhelmina Artz as part of the “Women on Matasari” urban festival. I chose to attend to this event to see designer’s evolution. Back in 2004, when I just moved to Bucharest and my aunt was working for Wilhelmina, I was invited to all her shows and I was so pleased to attend. I remember a very nice fashion show that took place in Office club and another one in Atelier room of National Theatre of Bucharest. These events were my first contact with the glamurous world of fashion, who at that time looked overwhelming. Coming back to the present, I found Wilhelmina as I knew her, not changed at all. I watched the show paying all my atention. I took a few photos to share with you those moments.
Pluses (what I liked):
-live music – Les Elephants Bizzarres – that made the event more authentic
-the fact that the models danced on the stage instead of a dull parade
Minuses (what I didn’t like):
-analyzing the clothes wore by the models I got to the sad conclusion that Wilhelmina haven’t created too much: the girls wore all black tights and red high heels, leather jacket or cardigan but too few clothes desighed by Wilhelmina. My opinion is that in a fashion show the designed clothes must step up and here this was missing. Indeed, it was a nice show but this anyone can organize without being a fashion designer.
~~My outfit~~
Jersey Dress: by Nona
Vest: Promod
Hat: Meli Melo