Mov la Castelul Peles // Purple@Peles Castle

romania_flag_24 Sub deviza “nici un week end fara o sedinta foto”, in aceasta sambata am revazut unul dintre cele mai dragi castele din Romania: Castelul Peles. Am ales o rochie mov pentru aceasta locatie deosebita deoarece movul este o culoare regala asociata cu luxul, creativitatea, spiritualitatea si tot ceea ce este sofisticat. Castelul Peles inseamna foarte mult pentru mine, deoarece sunt pasionata de istoria familiei regale a Romaniei. Sunt o mare admiratoare a lui Carol I, care a fost o revelatie pentru Romania, aducand tara la standarde occidentale. La aceleasi standarde inalte a fost construit si Castelul Peles sub atenta supraveghere a regelui intre 1873 si 1914. Castelul a fost resedinta de vara a familiei regale, si a fost vizitat chiar de Franz Joseph si Sisi (1896). Astazi face parte din circuitul turistic si este atractia principala din Sinaia. Va recomand sa vizitati acest frumos castel pentru arhitectura impresionanta, dar si pentru povestile interesante relatate de ghid despre familia regala care a locuit aici: Regele Carol I si Regina Elizabeta, Regele Ferdinand si Regina Maria. Ce au facut ei pentru Romania este fascinant. In cei 48 de ani de domnie Regele Carol a castigat independenta tarii, a redresat economia si a adus in Romania institutii specifice statului modern. In plus, constructiile din perioada lui precum Palatul Regal din Bucuresti (astazi Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei), Palatul Fundatiei Universitare, Castelul Peles sau Podul peste Dunare Anghel Saligny dainuie si astazi si reprezinta dovada unei marete domnii. In acest weekend am jucat rolul unei principese la Castelul Peles, sper ca va place ce a iesit.

united_kingdom_flag_24 Having the motto ” no weekend without a fashion photo session”, this Saturday I revisited one of my dearest castels in Romania: Peles Castle. I chose to wear a purple dress for this special location because purple represents the royal color and it’s associated with luxury, creativity, spirituality and everything that is sophisticated. Peles Castle means a lot for me, because I’m passioned of Romanian Royal Family history. I’m a great admirer of Carol I, who was a revelation for Romania, bringing the country to western standards. Peles Castle was build under the attentive supervision of the King between 1873 and 1914. The castle was the summer residence of the Royal Family and was visited by Franz Joseph and Sisi in 1896. Today the castle is part of the tourist circuit and it’s the main attraction in Sinaia. I recommend a visit to this somptuos castle for the impressive architecture but also for the interesting stories told by the guide about the royal family who lived here: King Carol I and Queen Elizabeth, King Ferdinand and Queen Maria. What Carol I did for Romania si fascinating. In 48 reign years, Carol I won Romania’s independence, recovered the economy and brought in the country institutions specific to modern state. Additionally, buildings from his period like Royal Palace in Bucharest (today hosting Romania’s National Art Museum), University Foundation Palace, Peles Castle or the Danube Bridge called Anghel Saligny persist today and represent the proof of a great reign. This weekend I played the role of a princess at Peles castle, hope you like the result. Enjoy!

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Velvet Dress: by Nona

Shoes: Wikotti Boutique

Lace Gloves: Sahara

Jewelry: inherited from Nona

4 thoughts on “Mov la Castelul Peles // Purple@Peles Castle

  1. Hei, Ivona!
    Ai reusit sa-l si vizitezi? Cand am ajuns vara asta deja se-nchidea la ora 17.
    Trebuie sa-ti arat si eu niste poze facute cu acea ocazie 😀 Desi eu nu am venit special pt shooting :p
    Love the shoes!!! Cred c-ai prins ultima ocazie sa-i porti. Good choice.
    Keep’em coming.

    1. Bogdan, am facut un tur extins anul trecut si unul standard acum vreo 2 ani, asa ca de data asta nu am vizitat pentru ca erau si cozi. Abia astept sa-mi arati poze. Multumesc pentru pantofi!

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