Dupa cele 3 saptamani petrecute in Anglia in luna mai am desemnat locul meu preferat din Londra: Kensington Palace. Toamna a venit cu inca doua saptamani petrecute pe meleaguri britanice. M-am intors din UK de cateva zile, suficiente cat sa-mi pun in ordine gandurile. As putea sa revin asupra topului facut in primavara, dar m-am gandit ca mai bine scriu separat despre locul care m-a fascinat de data asta, locul care a devenit noul meu muzeu preferat in Londra: V&A. M-a atras de la inceput arhitectura cladirii dar si dimensiunile sale deloc neglijabile. Are sase etaje, in jur de 51000 de metri patrati si 4,5 milioane de obiecte expuse. Este cel mai mare muzeu din lume dedicat artei decorative si designului. Marturisesc ca am venit a doua ora aici, insa prima vizita nu se pune deoarece am intrat in muzeu abia dupa ce am parcurs tot Natural History Museum, care este si acela foarte mare. Este important sa ii dedici timpul cuvenit muzeului, daca vrei sa vezi tot, sau daca nu, trebuie sa prioritizezi si sa te focusezi pe ceea ce te intereseaza sa vezi. Eu asa am facut. Cum am ajuns am cumparat o harta si m-am orientat catre expozitiile dedicate modei. Am fost absolut extaziata cand am vazut ca exista expozitia temporara Club to Catwalk: London Fashion in the 1980s. Aceasta colectie a insemnat mult mai mult pentru mine decat vizita la Fashion and Textile Museum, a reprezentat o incursiune in lumea modei din cele mai vechi timpuri pana in prezent, asa cum visam. Am admirat aici rochii din anii 1800 si am vazut evolutia modei de la deceniu la deceniu. Voi dedica un articol separat acestei impresionante colectii, unde am facut si foarte multe fotografii pentru a va arata si voua minunatiile. Stati pe receptie, nu se va lasa foarte mult asteptat. Mergand mai departe, foarte placut impresionata de zona Fashion a muzeului am descoperit foarte multe sculpturi din perioada medievala dar si unele ce tin de Renastere sau perioada neoclasica. Am continuat cu o expozitie de fotografie, apoi cu zona dedicata Teatrului si Reprezentatiilor unde puteam chiar sa probez costume, sa vizionez piese de teatru celebre dar si sa vad foarte multe postere ale formatiilor britanice celebre de-a lungul timpului. Muzeul are de toate pentru toti, de la istorie (foarte multe exponate legate de Asia, dar si de istoria britanica), design ( sectiune care mi-a placut nespus de mult, fotografii mai jos), moda (expozitia temporara trebuie vazuta de orice este pasionat de acest domeniu) si toate celelalte domenii descrise mai sus. Daca ajungeti in Londra, nu ezitati sa mergeti la V&A, veti descoperi aici o lume intreaga! Eu am gasit muzeul inspirational, daca as sta in Londra m-as intoarce aici cat mai des!
After the three weeks spent in UK in May I releaved my favourite place in London, Kensington Palace. Autumn brought me another two weeks on british lands. I just came back and I had the opportunity to reflect of the beautiful places I saw. This time, my favourite place is V&A, the most complehensive museum I ever visited. I was attracted from the begining of the beautiful architecture. It has six floors, around 51000 square metres and more than 4,5 millions of objects exposed. It’s the world biggest museum dedicated to decorative arts and design. I must confess I came here the second time, but the first time I don’t think it counts, as I arrived here after visiting the entire National History Museum, which is also very big. I was too tired to appreciate V&A as it deserves. It’s important to have enough time for this museum, you can dedicate an entire day, but if you don’t have the time, you should prioritize and focus on what you are interested in. The first thing I did when I got there was to buy a map and see where are the areas dedicated to fashion. I was so excited when I saw there is a temporary exhibition dedicated to Fashion: Club to Catwalk: London Fashion in the 1980s. This collection meant so much for me, a lot more than the visit to the Fashion and Textile Museum: it was a journey from 1800 fashion to present. I will dedicate a post to it, please stay tuned as you won’t have to wait too long until I publish it. I took so many photos in order to share with you the wonderful collection. After I saw everything related to fashion, I continued with sculptures from medieval era, but also from Rennaisance and Neoclassical period. I was determined to see it all, cause everything was so great: the photography exhibition, the area dedicated to Theatre and Live Performance. Here was a theatre stage arranged, I saw short plays and had the opportunity to try different costumes. This museum has everything for everybody: history (so many exhibits related to Asia but also related to british history), design (a section that I loved), fashion (the temporary exhibition is a must for the ones passioned about this domain) and so many other domains. If you plan a city break in London don’t miss V&A, you will find here an entire world! I found the museum so inspirational, if I’d live in London I would come here as often as I could.