Fascinatia mea pentru cladirile grandioase construite in secolul trecut nu are limite…Ador castelele, palatele, dar si casele aristrocate contruite in diferite stiluri arhitecturale…Daca as avea mai mult timp cu siguranta as studia arhitectura, dar cum imi castig existenta din Information Security, iar in timpul liber ma preocupa moda si tot ce tine de frumos, calatoriile, teatrul, imi este destul de greu sa-mi fac timp si de arhitectura. Duminica trecuta am vizitat o cladire misterioasa pe care imi doream demult sa o descopar in toata splendoarea ei: Casino-ul din Sinaia. Cladirea a intrat de cateva luni in circuitul turistic si va invit cu caldura sa o vizitati. Am petrecut o ora acolo, timp in care m-am intors in trecut cand lumea buna venea la sfarsit de saptamana sa se relaxeze aici. Exista chiar un tren Bucuresti Sinaia care aducea jucatorii pasionati si femeile elegante care veneau aici sa-ti etaleze ultimele rochii de la Paris. Casino-ul construit in stil neoclasic a fost ridicat in 1913, intr-un timp record (doar un an) si la avut ca actionar principal pe baronul de Marcay care era actionar si la Casino-ul din Monte Carlo. In serile de weekend se strangeau aici in jur de 800 de persoane. Barbatii jucau ruleta, jocuri de carti (baccara, braziliana), rummy, sah, table si tintar, iar femeile petreceau timpul la ceainarie sau la cofetarie. In curtea casino-ului era o alta atractie pentru femei, un bazar turcesc unde turcul Benli vindea podoabe orientale: argint filigranat, incrustatii in metal, obiecte de jad, chihlimbar, sidef, dar si dulciuri de la Istambul. Acesta le si ghicea doamnelor in cafea. Simbol al non-conformismului si al frumusetii momentului, Casino-ul din Sinaia va fi întotdeauna altfel, dar mereu la fel, osciland intre vechi si nou, clasic si modern, istorie si modernitate. Casino-ul are o curte interioara superba si gazduieste mai multe expozitii de arta ale unor pictori romani, turul se face cu ghid si costa 15 lei.
My fascination for somptuous old buildings has no limits…I adore castels, palaces but also aristocratic houses built in different architectural styles…If I had more time, I would definitely study architecture, but as I make a living from Information Security and in my leisure time I spend my time with fashion and beauty activities, trips, cultural events, it’s kind of hard to make time also for architecture. Last Sunday I visited a misterious palace I wanted to visit for some time: the Casino from Sinaia. The building was introduced recently in the touristic circuit and I recommend a visit from all my heart. I spent an hour there, and I had an interesting journey in the past, when the high society was coming here to relax at the end of the week. There was a special train Bucharest – Sinaia that brought the passionate players and elegant women who came were to show their latest dresses from Paris. The casino is built in neoclassical architectural style in 1913 in a record time (only one year) and had the major shareholder the baron of Marcay who also owner the Monte Carlo casino. On the weekend nights, around 800 people were coming here. Men were playing cards, rummy, chess, backgammon and the women spent time at the teahouse or the sweetshop. In the casino yard, there was another attraction for women, a Turkish bazaar where the turk Benli sold oriental finery and sweets from Istanbul and he was even guessing in the coffee cup. The Casino from Sinaia will always be a symbol of nonconformity and beauty of the moment, oscillating between old and new, classical and modern, history and modernity. The casino had a gorgeous indoor garden and hosts art exhibitions of Romanian painters. The tour is guided and costs 15 RON.
Casinoul din.Sinaia imi aminteste de filmul steaua fara nume ce mi l.ai recomandat chisr tu. cu minunata actrita din rolul principal alaturi de mircea diaconu.
Sa stii ca a fost primul lucru de care mi-a amintit! I-am zis si pinguinului! Iar el mi-a zis ca isi si imagineaza cum as fi eu transpusa in secolul trecut, ca as fi exact ca actrita din Steaua fara nume :):) am luat-o ca pe un compliment 🙂