Incredibil cat conteaza in fotografie sa ai echipamentele potrivite la timpul potrivit! Nu spun ca doar niste obiective mai bune fac totul, e clar ca talentul conteaza si mai mult, dar pentru a avea la sfarsit un produs de calitate, echipamentul clar face diferenta. Acum zece zile va aratam cateva fotografii facute la un eveniment special. Pozele publicate atunci au fost facute cu aparatul meu, un Nikon 3200, entry level DSLR. In acelasi timp, un fotograf profesionist a tras aceleasi cadre si mai jos puteti sa vedeti ce a iesit. A se remarca in prima imagine fotografii in oglinda. A fost asa amuzant sa facem aceste fotografii, sper sa repetam experienta curand!
It’s amazing the difference it makes in photography to have the right equipments at the right time! Talent always matters but in order to have a high quality product at the end, the camera and the lenses make the difference. Ten days ago I showed you a few photos taken at a special event. The images published back then were taken with my camera, Nikon 3200, an entry level DSLR. In the same time a professional photograper took the same shots. Please notice the fotographers in the first photo mirror. It was so fun to pose, I hope we can repeat the experience soon!
Blue Lace Dress: by Nona
Shoes: Wikotti
Make-up: Yves Rocher
Credit foto: Violeta Patrichi
Ranjitele 🙂 hihi Asa sa va vad de fiecare data!