Despre metroul londonez s-au spus atatea si sunt inca atat de multe de spus! Prima oara cand am luat metroul in Londra am fost absolut terifiata! Harta m-a coplesit, iar faptul ca trebuia sa schimb trenul intr-un nod unde se intalneau 3 magistrale m-a ingrozit! Toata calatoria am tinut harta in mana tremurand, fiind convinsa ca voi gresi ceva si ma voi trezi aiurea cine stie pe unde. De atunci si pana acum nu a trecut decat jumatate de an, si sunt mandra sa afirm ca astazi ma plimb cu metroul prin Londra ca si cum as sta aici de o viata. Duminica trecuta am intrat la metrou cu Eve de peste 15 ori, am mers pe magistralele Jubilee, Victoria, District, Piccadilly, Northern fara nici o ezitare. De fiecare data am ajuns acolo unde ne-am propus in timp record. Asa am reusit sa bifam tot ce ne doream sa facem in a doua noastra zi impreuna in frumoasa metropola.
Daca nu stiati, metroul londonez reprezinta cea mai veche retea de metrou din lume, reprezinta un monument istoric ce a implinit anul acesta 150 de ani. Milioane de oameni folosesc zilnic acest mijloc de transport. Am mers si la ore de varf si in perioade mai libere. Mi-a placut precizia cu care vine trenul. Chiar si in weekend, nu am asteptat niciodata mai mult de 2 minute. Schimbarea magistralei este o aventura, dar una frumoasa, ce include adevarate labirinturi. Va recomand cu caldura un city break la Londra in care sa coborati neaparat si la metrou. Pe langa toata partea vizuala atat de frumoasa, o sa va distreze maxim replica “Mind the Gap!” repetata obsesiv de fiecare data cand un tren este in statie.
Regarding the London Underground, also known as The Tube are so many thing to say! The first time I took the tube I was totally terrified! The map overwhelmed me and the fact that I had to switch the train in a node where 3 lines met scared me! The entire trip I hold the map in my hand shaking, being convinced I will mess things up and I will wake up in an unknown place, in the middle of nowhere. Since then it’s been only six months and I’m proud to say that today I ride the tube just like I lived here my entire life. Last Sunday I had with Eve more than 15 underground trips, I crossed Jubilee, Victoria, District, Piccadilly lines without any hesitation. Every time we got at our destination in record time. We managed to check everything we wanted to see, try in our second day in the beautiful city of London.
If you didn’t know the London Underground is the oldest underground network in the world, it represents an historic place and this year celebrates 150 years. Millions of people use it every day. I ride the underground at rush hours but also more relaxing hours. I loved the punctuality. Changing the line can be an adventure, but a beautiful one that includes labyrinths. I recommend a city break in London that includes also Underground rides. Besides the beautiful visual part, you’re going to have so much fun hearing the words “Mind the gap!” obsessively repeated every time a train is in the station.
Metroul londonez este fascinant. Iar daca imi aduc aminte cand aveam emotii sa cobor la metrou in Bucuresti acum cativa ani… ma apuca rasul stiind cu ce siguranta schimbam noi magistralele in UK 🙂