Salutari din UK! Ce-mi place cum suna, spun asta cat mai pot, deoarece sambata ma intorc in frumoasa si fascinanta Romanie! Au trecut atat de repede zilele petrecute aici, dar sunt multumita ca am bifat cam tot ce mi-am dorit in aceasta escapada. E bine uneori sa evadezi si sa te concentrezi mai mult asupra viselor tale, sa iti dedici mai mult timp, sa incerci sa iesi din zona ta de confort. Eu am facut asta in ultimele doua saptamani de cand sunt departe de casa si voi pleca de aici cu amintiri foarte placute. Un motto in care cred: “Diferenta dintre tu de acum si tu peste 5 ani o reprezinta cartile pe care le citesti, oamenii pe care ii cunosti, calatoriile pe care le faci intre timp”. Ma bucur ca acum pe sfarsit de an am facut cea mai tare calatorie cu Eve din 2013, ca am cunoscut pe aici oameni frumosi, dar si ca am citit destul de mult si mi-am cumparat carti de moda, de securitatea informatiei dar si ultima carte scrie de Kate Morton pe care abia astept sa le devorez. Sper ca devin mai buna in fiecare zi. Mi-a placut mult articolul scris de Copila Blonda aici pe aceeasi tema. Ca si ea, si eu cred ca totul are un scop, incercarile prin care trecem, provocarile pe care le avem zilnic. Poate incep sa revin mai retrospectiva odata cu apropierea sfarsitului de an…Analizand cum eram in urma cu 10 luni, cred ca am avut multe de invatat in acest an, ma consider mai matura acum…dar sa las dezvaluirile de acest fel pentru sfarsit de decembrie! Azi m-am gandit sa va arat o alta parte de Londra, si anume cateva fotografii dintr-un alt parc regal atat de vestit: Hyde Park. Am avut prima tangenta cu acest parc in aprilie cand mi-am dat intalnire aici cu pinguinul singuratic la Marble Arch. Atunci mi s-a parut ordinar, fad…practic nu m-a impresionat prin nimic. De data asta am descoperit o oaza de verdeata, oameni alergand, pasari de toate felurile, frunze multicolore, ce mai…plimbarea prin Hyde Park duminica mi-a dat o doza de energie pozitiva cum rar se intampla! Voi ce parc regal preferati in Londra?
Greeting from UK! I love how this sounds, I say this as I still can, in two doing I’m coming back in beautiful and fascinating Romania. The days spent here passed so quickly, but I’m glad that I checked everything what I had on my to-do list in this getaway. Sometimes it’s so good to get out of ordinary, to focus more on your dreams, dedicate more time to yourself and also get out of your comfort zone. I did this in the last two weeks and I’m glad I will come back home with so pleasant memories. A quote I believe in: ” The difference between you -the person you are today and you- the person you’ll be in five years are the books you read, the people you meet and the trips you have in the meantime. I’m happy that I had the opportunity to have the best trip with Eve in London, also that I meet so nice people and I read more and bought from amazon a lot of fashion and information security books ans also the latest book written by Kate Morton, my favourite writer. I hope I become a better person every day. Just as Blond Girl wrote here talking about the same things, I believe just like her that everything happens for a reason, that all the challenges we face every day. Maybe I become more retrospective as the end of the year is close. I think I learned a lot in these last ten months, I’m more mature now. I will continue these confessions in late December. Today I’m showing you another fabulous part of London, the famous Royal Park called Hyde Park. When I walked in this park for the first time, in April, as I had a date set with my lonely penguin, I met him at Marble Arch, I found this park vapid, ordinary, it did not impress me at all. This time I discovered a green oasis in the center of this restless city. I loved the birds, people running, the multicoloured leaves..the Sunday walk in Hyde Park filled me with energy for the entire week. What is your favourite Royal Park in London? Enjoy the photos!
In Hyde Park nu am ajuns din pacate, lar pe lista mea ramane clar in top St. James Park cu ale sale veverite curioase!